It’s a TikTok Shop takeover! Excited to announce Storfund is now available on TikTok Shop USA

Antoni, ManoMano seller
€3M annual turnover

“Before using Storfund we had to close our storefront in between getting paid - we couldn't keep up with demand.”

Demand doesn’t always mean growth

DIY seller Antoni began his business in 2018 selling on ManoMano across Italy and France.

Five years later demand was healthy but growth was slow due to having to wait for profits to reinvest back into the business – they had more orders than they could keep pace with.

Antoni’s only option was to close his stores in between receiving payment from marketplaces; once he got paid he could restock and start taking customer orders again.

This cycle continued until his account manager at ManoMano put him in touch with Storfund in June 2023.

Sales increased by 600% in the first month with Storfund

Open for business

Antoni has been able to keep his store open and is now looking to expand to other marketplaces across Europe.

Of the Storfund service Antoni said “the only problem I faced was cash flow, demand was there but I couldn’t meet it.

For me, using Storfund is totally worth it – I prefer to stay open, increase sales and lose a small percentage on the fees to earn more. I would recommend it for other businesses who face the same problem”.


ManoMano marketplaces (Italy and France)


Started using Storfund


Average monthly sales

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